Joahlana Najunas
Joahlana Najunas
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Shenandoah, PA
High School: Nativity

PSU Schuylkill Athletic Player Bio

Name: Joahlana Najunas
PSU Sport:
Cross Country

Year: Freshman

High School/Last School: Nativity BVM

Birth Date (M/D):  09/24

Hobbies:  Netflix, Running, and Bike riding
Favorite Food: 

Favorite TV Show:  How I Met Your Mother
Favorite Athlete: 
Simone Biles
Favorite Vacation Spot: 
Ocean City, MD

Pre-Game Ritual: Music and Stretching

Career Goal After Graduation: New PR

Favorite Quote: "I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me. And the one guy who didn't vote for me, thank you, too." - Shaquille O'Neal